December 01, 2010

I won! Thanks S3.0

I won the Science 3.0 evolution-themed blog contest! Naturally, I'm pretty chuffed. I blog mostly to practice my writing, because I like to write, and while it's nice when people read my entries, I don't expect any significant amount of traffic or attention, so this is very encouraging. I really enjoyed the entry "Evolution: A Game of Chance?" and thought it would win. Thanks once again to Science 3.0, and to organizers steelgraham and malicia who judged the contest.

I've really enjoyed the fact that I got to promote evolution and fish to a bit wider audience and I promised myself that if I won, I was going to finally finish an essay about fish that I have lying around and post it to Science 3.0, so stay tuned for that.

1 comment:

  1. You deserved the award! Your blog rules.


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